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Harbor Light – March 2024

Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Faithful partners, As we enter the Easter season, I see signs of new life blooming around Muskegon Rescue Mission: patches of grass, crocuses poking through the last of the snow.…

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Harbor Light – November 2023

Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Faithful partners, Every year, after Christmas dinner, our family likes to gather together and have some good conversation over coffee. Everyone is fed, relaxed and enjoying one another’s company. Here…

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Harbor Light – September 2023

Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Faithful partners, Thankfulness seems to come easily to most of the men and women at Muskegon Rescue Mission. It’s a natural reaction to having food, shelter and care after being…

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Harbor Light – April 2023

Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Faithful partners, As we rejoice together this Easter season in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, may you be blessed with its promise of new life. The empty…

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Harbor Light – November 2022

Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director As the holidays approach, we are reminded to count our blessings for all we are grateful for and fortunate to have. Traditionally, we celebrate with delicious food in the company…

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Harbor Light – August 2022

Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Faithful partners, Transformation starts here at Muskegon Rescue Mission. God uses the events we encounter daily as tools to shape and sculpt us. He is working, even amidst the pain…

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Harbor Light – April 2022

Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Dear Friend, As the earth wakes from winter’s slumber, spring greets us with a season of new beginnings. We rejoice in the miracle of Easter and celebrate how God is…

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Harbor Light – November 2021

Letter from the Executive Director A WARM HOLIDAY WELCOME Letter from the Executive Director Dear Friend, Last year, the holidays felt a lot different for most of us. Instead of the big gatherings we had always enjoyed, we had fewer…

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Harbor Light – August 2021

Letter from the Executive Director NO ONE PLANS ON BEING HOMELESS Letter from the Executive Director You never know who may be homeless! They could be the person who waited on you this morning, the cashier at the grocery store…

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Harbor Light – April 2021

Letter from the Executive Director A Season of Renewal. After a long, gray winter, spring bursts onto the scene bringing a season of rebirth and renewal! Spring; a long-awaited breath of fresh air, a time of the year when grass…

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