Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Thanksgiving is coming! It’s a…
Harbor Light – March 2024
Letter from the Executive Director
Letter from the Executive Director
Faithful partners,
As we enter the Easter season, I see signs of new life blooming around Muskegon Rescue Mission: patches of grass, crocuses poking through the last of the snow. There are smiles on guests’ faces — they too are beginning new lives.
Looking at all this new life has brought the staff and me to a very real conclusion — new lives do not happen on their own. It takes a community.
For someone to overcome an addiction, recover from an abusive relationship or break the cycle of homelessness there are many factors involved. First and foremost, there is our God. Nothing is possible without His mercy, grace and forgiveness.
To help make this happen, Residential programs for men and women, Daycare and Preschool for children, the Food and Clothing Pantry and Thrift Stores are all carefully staffed and available to support every person who comes here in need.
All of these services require a lot of people — an entire community. Yet, even with all the staff and volunteers, there is one key piece that is vital to life change: You. Your support keeps the doors open, food on the table and programs running. You are a big part of our community, and I am so thankful for you.
In this newsletter, you will find updates on what your gifts support and uplifting stories of life change. You will see the impact you are making at Muskegon Rescue Mission.
Thank you for your support and may God bless you this Easter season.
Serving Together,
Dan Skoglund