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Harbor Light – April 2021

Letter from the Executive Director

A Season of Renewal.

Dan Skoglund Executive Director

After a long, gray winter, spring bursts onto the scene bringing a season of rebirth and

Spring; a long-awaited breath of fresh air, a time of the year when grass starts to green, trees
start to bud, and we see signs of new life beginning to sprout all around us. It is a time to see God’s beauty and a time to be inspired.

You will read about lives of heartache and homelessness being transformed and renewed, as evidenced by the inspiring stories shared within this issue. Thanks to you, our generous partner, shelter guests are finding rebirth and they are excited to continue their journeys and rewrite their life stories.

2 Corinthians 5:17 proclaims, “Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun.” When apathy, discouragement, or hardship leaves us battered and feeling alone, God finds within us a bulb of faith, dormant from the cold, and resurrects it like a spring
bloom ready to grow again.

Enjoy God’s masterpiece as he paints our world with the renewing colors of spring!

Together in Christ,

Dan Skoglund

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