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Harbor Light – November 2023

Letter from the Executive Director

Letter from the Executive Director

Faithful partners,

Every year, after Christmas dinner, our family likes to gather together and have some good conversation over coffee. Everyone is fed, relaxed and enjoying one another’s company.

Here at Muskegon Rescue Mission, I like to do the same. People come in from the cold to receive a hot, delicious meal, and they are relieved to be here. Everyone enjoys a traditional Christmas dinner, served with a smile. And as they finish their meal over coffee, I take a walk around the tables.

I hear stories of pain, loneliness, abuse and loss. People are hurting, right here in our community. But a friendly greeting and a heaping plate of food give some relief.

Often, I share how Jesus came for those who need Him: the sick, the broken, those disappointed with life. Trusting Him helps overcome our pain and fill our empty hearts, not just today, but every day. These Christmas conversations can warm hearts as we share the hope Christ brings to the world. There is nothing quite like it.

You are part of sharing the true joy of Christmas with men, women and children who have lost so much. Some decide to stay, wanting to turn their life around and walk with God. His light has come into the world, and we no longer need to walk in darkness. Merry Christmas!

Serving Together, 

Dan Skoglund

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Muskegon Rescue Mission

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