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Harbor Light – November 2022

Letter from the Executive Director

Letter from the Executive Director

As the holidays approach, we are reminded to count our blessings for all we are grateful for and fortunate to have. Traditionally, we celebrate with delicious food in the company of family and friends. At MRM, we are devoted to bringing the same holiday spirit to our shelter and community guests.

Volunteers and donors play an essential role in our mission to break the cycle of homelessness by helping us provide needed services and resources. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of the homeless within our community.

Recently, nearly 300 donors joined us at our annual Fall Dinner to celebrate this years impact and MRM’s future expansion. Donors heard firsthand the heartfelt testimonies of two men in our Man of Integrity residential program. Joshua shared his story on stage and Shawn recorded a video. In this issue, you’ll read Shawn’s life-change story and another guest, a young mother, Pearlie, staying with her children in our Women’s and Family Shelter. We hope they will give you a deeper understanding of how your faithful support of MRM truly impacts the lives of the people we shelter. They see your gift of compassion as love in action.

MRM is thankful for you and your help in welcoming our neighbors in need to our holiday table. Give thanks this season, for we are blessed.

Serving Together in Christ,

Dan Skoglund

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