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Transformation Starts Here

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It’s powerful to see life transformation happening at Muskegon Rescue Mission! Our Man of Integrity
program recently welcomed six men into the year-long, in-depth residential Christian program designed
to help men understand the root causes of their homelessness. These men have said, “Enough is
enough. I want to change my life.”

The program focuses on their entire life, addressing all areas – physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and
social aspects to help them rebuild their lives on a solid biblical foundation with lifelong solutions. They
will undoubtedly face difficult and personal challenges during the months ahead, but MRM is dedicated
to lead these men on their journey and help them achieve lasting life transformations.

Several of our Men’s Shelter employees, both past and present, are graduates of our Man of Integrity
program. One of these graduates is Chuck, a full-time supervisor who shares, “I see myself coming
through that door in every one of these guys. I know their shoes and the trail they are traveling. I know
it’s hard. Men believe they have less than nothing when they’re homeless. But we have the next day.
That’s why we bring the Lord into this. He transforms us.”

Chuck was fired from his long-standing maintenance job due to his drug addiction. He came to MRM
when life on the streets got to be too much. After staying in MRM’s emergency shelter for 88 days, he
entered the year-long program. Overall, Chuck lived at the Men’s Shelter for nearly three years and was
able to save money for a down payment on a house! Although Chuck’s not proud of how he slipped
through life, he proudly shares his transformation story with MRM guests — how he went from
homeless to a homeowner by the grace of God!

Because of you, transformation starts here! Your caring support gives these men the tools needed to
change their lives. Please add them to your prayer list and ask for God’s hand of protection to hold them
and His peace to lift them during this year of transformation.

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