Letter from the Executive Director Letter from the Executive Director Thanksgiving is coming! It’s a…
Harbor Light – Holiday 2024
Letter from the Executive Director
Letter from the Executive Director
Throughout this year, we have seen the Lord work through us — and you — to give hope to people here at Muskegon Rescue Mission.
We have seen men, women and families turn to God and be filled with his Spirit of love, joy, peace and hope. Many of our guests had been on their own and suffering through life. Few people, if any, cared for their well-being. Most were without hope and without God.
But now, they believe God is with them and will never leave. Like Chanelle in this issue of Harbor Light, they can look back on all they went through and realize God was by their side all the way.
It was eight years ago that Chanelle first came to Muskegon Rescue Mission. The seeds planted by your giving then, and during Chanelle’s two subsequent stays, are bearing good fruit today. This family is thriving, thanks to your faithfulness.
At the same time, my heart goes out to those who remain outside in the cold. I hope they come here. I want them to see God has opened the door of heaven for them, through Jesus Christ. They too can be saved by Him and personally know His great love for them.
Thank you for bringing the light of Christ to our neighbors in need. You provide a place where they are welcome and cared for. May God bless you and your loved ones this Christmas.
Dan Skoglund